jackpotjoy casino review

Institutional investors have traditionally utilized 2a-7 money market funds to invest cash in a diversified portfolio that seeks to maintain principal and provide daily liquidity while receiving competitive returns. Floating NAV (Floating Net Asset Value) money market funds now require investors to consider a fund's price movement in addition to income. Floating NAV funds may offer the potential for attractive total returns over stable NAV funds that could compensate investors for the small fluctuations in a fund's price over a short investment horizon. The below interactive calculator helps investors understand how yield and net asset value (NAV) movements in a Floating NAV money market fund vs. stable NAV money market fund could impact total jackpotjoy casino returns. It allows investors to input various yield and NAV movement parameters, including a mixed allocation to both Floating and Stable funds, to determine if the total return potential outweighs the income within a stable NAV fund.